We weren't able to get this blog up and running in time for our trip to China to pick up Sammie; however, now that life is settling into a routine with a 16-year old and a one-year old, my new year's resolution is to start a blog for our family and friends to follow along as DJ and Sammie grow up...and oh how they are growing up so quickly!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Look what Santa brought!

Look what we got for Christmas this year! Santa brought us Sammie -- can you tell that this is one of my favourite pictures? Since I'm starting this blog just after Christmas, I thought that this would be an appropriate first picture to publish. I'll have a bit of catching up to do to tell you all about our trip to China and to Sammie, but I guess I have to start somewhere. I'll get a picture of DJ published next.


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