We weren't able to get this blog up and running in time for our trip to China to pick up Sammie; however, now that life is settling into a routine with a 16-year old and a one-year old, my new year's resolution is to start a blog for our family and friends to follow along as DJ and Sammie grow up...and oh how they are growing up so quickly!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Trip Summary - Tian An Men Square, Forbidden City

Tuesday was the long-awaited Tian An Men Square and Forbidden City visit. Tian An Men square is the courtyard to the forbidden city, and is the largest public square in the world. The operative word here being 'large'!

The Forbidden City is stunning; marble, statues, and gorgeous architecture as far as the eye can see. It could feasibly be a whole day tour to get a really good look at everything.


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