We weren't able to get this blog up and running in time for our trip to China to pick up Sammie; however, now that life is settling into a routine with a 16-year old and a one-year old, my new year's resolution is to start a blog for our family and friends to follow along as DJ and Sammie grow up...and oh how they are growing up so quickly!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sammie's First Birthday

December 27, 2005: Since Sammie just loves Chinese food, and especially noodles, we decided to keep her first birthday low key and just go out for Chinese food. However, we made the mistake of taking her to the Mandarin Restaurant at Eglinton and Birchmount and it was just awful. She wouldn't eat any of the food. Can't blame her as we thought it was pretty awful as well. Prior to our trip, we had gone to a Mandarin Restaurant in Mississauga with our adoption group and it was fabulous so we thought that this would be a safe bet. Wrong, wrong, wrong! However, being the party girl, all was not lost as Sammie had a ball just being out and she babbled at high pitch all the way through dinner. Quite funny. Unfortunately, DJ was on a school trip so couldn't partake in the festivities.


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