We weren't able to get this blog up and running in time for our trip to China to pick up Sammie; however, now that life is settling into a routine with a 16-year old and a one-year old, my new year's resolution is to start a blog for our family and friends to follow along as DJ and Sammie grow up...and oh how they are growing up so quickly!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sammie's Fairy Godmothers!

Sammie is one of the lucky few who has not one ... but ... two godmothers! Neil's family has a tradition that says that the males get one godmother and two godfathers; the girls are appointed one godfather and two godmothers! So, here's a picture of my sister who lives not too too far away, and she is one of Sammie's godmothers. Sammie's other godmother lives in Australia and hopefully I'll get a good picture soon and post that as well.

Between Sammie's older, experienced-mom but very cool godmother and her younger and very hip (only 15 years old the time of writing this blog), I think we have all bases covered that Sammie will get lots of good advice ... and spoiling ... in her wee life!


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